THE COLORから毎年作られる靴。今回は6年前に出していたローファーのアップデート版。以前からTHE COLORで作る靴は履き心地と軽さの共存を目指しスニーカーのような履き心地のレザーシューズを作っている。今回は前回作ったようなローファーに革紐をつけて一風変わった見た目。サイドにもレザー紐を通しローファーの広がりを少し軽減できるような仕様に。あまり見ることのないようでみたいことのあるのような出来栄えに。気兼ねなく履ける革靴な逸品。
<SIZE> 26cm / 27cm / 28cm
<FABRIC> Cow Hide Leather
<COLOR> Brown / Navy
These shoes are made every year by THE COLOR. This time, they are an updated version of the loafers they released six years ago. From the past, THE COLOR has been making leather shoes that are as comfortable to wear as sneakers, aiming to be both comfortable and light. This time, they have added leather laces to the loafers they made last time, giving them a unique look. The leather laces are also threaded through the sides, which helps to reduce the width of the loafers a little. The result is something you don't see very often, but one that you'll want to see. A masterpiece of leather shoes that you can wear without hesitation.